About 26 years, 00 months, 9 days (821,403,314 seconds)

Tools Saurabh Uses

As I am a .NET developer its sure that I'll be using visual studio. And actually, I liked it personally except that it's very heavy. But hey you are getting lots of features in it so it's ok for me. And not only this supports .NET you can write almost any popular language using it except java I think.
Visual Studio Code is my other favorite tool as it supports lots of language and Extention as well. It also has built-in Git and Intelligence. You Should try once.
Before Visual Studio Code or I didn't know about Visual Studio Code I like to use Sublime as it is clean, simple, lightweight and has a little intelligence. And also support lots of languages. I don't use it but I definitely install it on the PC in which I am working. I don't know why tho.
To have a database to my .NET application Microsoft SQL Server is the best choice and I personally use it. For PHP I use MySQL. SQL Server is Heavy but Powerful Database Manager and It's easy to bind with the .NET application.
Everyone uses XAMPP for local Apache and MySQL Server and me too. I also used WAMPP Server but I didn't like the interface of it. But I am comfortable with both of them. I can also change the default port and add virtual Host and solve other XAMPP related issues with Sharing PC's.
FileZilla is no.1 FTP and everyone knows about it. It's pretty easy to use as you can connect to FTP and SSH in second.
I love Fiddler. I don't know the full use of fiddler but I use it when I work with AJAX as AJAX doesn't give any error just says 500 error. It gets difficult for me to understand what I did wrong then I see the request in fiddler and everything gets cleared.
Saurabh Gupta

Saurabh Gupta 😉

A web Developer / Designer

I am Saurabh Gupta 👋 and I am a web developer & designer. I have several skills in web development. This is my web profile have a look and tell me how you like it 😍.
Born: 11 September 1998 👶 (age ~22 years)
Favourite Color: #000 (Black)
Education: Mumbai University 🏫, Mumbai, India.
Relationship: Single 😭
Currently Working: Adani Electricity, Borivali, India
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