About 26 years, 04 months, 11 days (832,089,057 seconds)

About | Saurabh Gupta

I know web designing, web development, web optimization, automation, research, installation, and troubleshooting, etc.
Right now I am hired in web development and digital marketing agency and have experience in different fields...

People also ask

What the heck? What type of question is this? He is nobody developer. Nobody knows him. Why are you asking this? Reject this question immediately.
Yes! you can no problem with this. But Why you wanna contact him. well, it's your wish...There up on the menu, there is a contact option use that to contact him.
Internet. From the Google, StackOverflow, Youtube Channels, CodeProject and other community websites. Believe me the Internet is the best way to learn and improve yourself (If you who how to google it).
Lots of Sleep, Fast Internet Connection, No traveling, Watching New Anime, Learning programming related tricks, Love Nah don't have time for this now.
I've completed my graduation from Mumbai university and did a government course of web designing nothing extra mostly I learned from the Internet - Youtube, Googling or StackOverflow...
After joining the development company I've developed some websites in a different language and framework like ASP.NET, PHP, WordPress CMS, Laravel, etc.
Whenever I get free time I love to do the following thing. Usually, I get time on Sunday only...Only 1 day I know it's a little time but what you can do...
Saurabh Gupta

Saurabh Gupta 😉

A web Developer / Designer

I am Saurabh Gupta 👋 and I am a web developer & designer. I have several skills in web development. This is my web profile have a look and tell me how you like it 😍.
Born: 11 September 1998 👶 (age ~22 years)
Favourite Color: #000 (Black)
Education: Mumbai University 🏫, Mumbai, India.
Relationship: Single 😭
Currently Working: Adani Electricity, Borivali, India
Put less dependency in your code as well as in your life.
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